Created ToolBar items.
The underlying HTML element.
Adds an item to the toolbar.
The options to use.
Adds a separator.
Destroys the UI component.
Fires an event.
The event name to fire.
The arguments to pass.
Returns the element for this UI component.
Gets an item.
The name or ID of the item to get.
Gets an item by id.
Gets an item by name.
The name of the item to lookup.
Returns the size of the component.
Optional initialization code.
Listens for an event.
The event name to listen for.
The callback to assign.
Listens for an event once.
The event name to listen for.
The callback to assign.
Resets all item states.
Sets whether an item is disabled.
The identifier of the item.
The state to set.
Sets the size of the component.
CSS prefixed width.
CSS prefixed height.
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Toolbar UI component.